Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I know, I feel like Rahkim, it's been a long time. Any who, so much has happened since my last blog. No, I refuse to cover everything, but I'll touch on some high lights. Michael Jackson died. That was a blow to me, I am such a MJ fan. And yes, I do believe that the Living Off The Wall album is better than Thriller! But the most shocking news was that MJ's hair was a nice ass lace front wig. My sister told me so and I was in denial. I keep looking at the vids where he's dancing on the top of a limo and shaking his head. So sad.

Also, I hear that Rihanna and Chris Breezie are getting back together, or at least 'hooking up'. I am not one to judge, you know the whole "pot calling the kettle black and all," especially when I batted the hell out of my husband for screwing my former bff; however, Chris had her looking like Scooby Doo. I'm just saying. I'd much rather her do that little Canadian Cutie--Drake, is that his name? He looks like a throw back for me. He's just too fine.

Alright, I'm done for now.

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