Sunday, September 09, 2007

2007's VMA's:

So it's been reported that Tommy Lee got bitch slapped by Kid Rock for instigating. It seems that Tommy's mouth wrote a check that his ass couldn't cash.
But the breaking news of this all, is Britney Spear's performance. OMG! Was it a sluggish train wreck or what? Britney was obviously out of shape, she lipsynch poorly, and her costume was all wrong... she's not 16 and firm anymore. She looks like every woman, which is good, but she doesn't need to be on stage in her too small undies.
So why did the VMA's book her as the opening act anyway? Did they not notice her performance at rehearsals? Were there any rehearsals at all? I doubt it... Or was the lure of having great ratings too tempting to pass up? I know that I wasn't the only one who noticed the bad performance by Britney. Diddy looked pissed, I guess it took him back to the beginning days of "Making The Band"