Tuesday, March 30, 2010

George "Bud" Day is a racist ass who needs to sit his old ass down, referring to President Barak Obama as 'the black one' and Rubio, who is running for office against Gov. Christ 'the Hispanic one'.(Christ, you better check your boy before the voters check you) http://www.pnj.com/article/20100330/NEWS01/100330009/1006/rss01 This is the link to the story.
Anyway, Day made some racist comments to a Northwest Florida paper that was taken lightly by the political cronies. Racism isn't funny when it reaches Washington. I think about Civil Rights, and Women's suffrage, Slavery,or for those who wanted to end the tyranny of Hitler's rule etc...There were strong opposition for change with these issues, but we The People won. I wonder, where will the politicians be when right prevail.

Monday, March 29, 2010

La Vida Loca himself, Ricky Martin has announced today that he is gay. Anyone surprised?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care Bill has passed. Amen! Now people can go to the hospital in their names instead of stealing my identity! F*** you to the woman who had a baby and her eye brows lifted in my name, you stupid whore, I'm prosecuting!
Anyway, let me collect myself. Many people are denied health care due to pre existing conditions, and other bullshit excuses. Too many of the elderly have to come up out of pocket for Rx meds that costs an arm and a leg(literally)and to supplement their Medicare parts A-Z sections 1,2,3 articles: I-M. And if premiums have to go up for me to help my fellow Americans, than so be it.(Michael and I are in that higher tax bracket barely) It's far less than what our brave young men and women do every day to keep our country safe.

That's all for now.
