Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My town is hosting it's first annual "Ghetto Awards", and I am in utter disbelief with categories such as: "How many children are adopted by friends and family members during tax season," and "How many baby mommas/daddies, do you have?" and my all time favorite: "How many utilites do you have on; in other people's names?"

This is bananas! Who else is outraged by this?

I want to hear back from you,
I'm out.

Jinger w/a "J"


Anonymous said...

you are so right...a bunch of bullshit.

ME said...

I know, and skanky

Jinger w/a "J"

Anonymous said...

I guess one must do what one must do ;-)

ME said...

LOL. Yeah to win the coveted title of "Ghetto person of the Year!" What insurmounting goals to set.

Jinger w/a "J"

Anonymous said...

Have you and your co-worker hooked up yet?

ME said...

It's coming....Or hopefully, I'll be coming. And real soon. Keep your fingers crossed; I'll keep my legs uncrossed((wink)).