Monday, August 14, 2006

Great news, I gotta raise!!! I knew the new boss was going to be kick ass. Her name is Nina Constantine, she's African American, beautiful, and smart ta boot. She's handling things on the work force. She's even building a day care center at the work place, and an eatery. She really wants us to work really hard all the time, or contrary to popular belief, she actually has a heart!!
The woman is unstoppable.

On the homefront, my ex wanted to "talk" today. He came on to me. As if! I am sooo past that phase of my life and I am moving on to greener and better pastures.

No, Michael and I haven't done anything...yet. He's out of the country unfortunately, but I have my webcam on 24-7 in my bedroom, so although we haven't done anything, this shit is really getting kinky.

That man is fine as hell, with a body that won't quit. But it's his mind that keeps me wanting more. He's smart. I mean he's the: Einstein smart, I can quote Shakespeare and Holmer, while showing you all the moves in the Kama suture,type of man. Hot damn, if he can perform in bed, ladies, we have a winner!!!!;(crossing my fingers, praying, wishing, hoping and begging) that he can deliver sexually.

I am soo head over heals at this point, and I don't want to stop falling.

Jinger w/a "J"


Anonymous said...

congrats on the you need to get Michael to give you a raise...sounds like he is a lucky man to have you wanting some of that! Good luck and don't forget the balls!

Anita said...

That's sweet! Now I want the book!!!

ME said...

LOL. It's coming and soon I promise