Monday, August 28, 2006

Have you watched dateline? In tonight's episode, This woman is pulling an adoption scam. This bottomfeeder pretends to be pregnant and solicits unsuspecting individuals to adopt her baby. She then proceeds to take them on a ride to support her and her girlfriend while spending the unsuspecting expectant couple's money.
The trecheary doesn't just stops there, no this evil bitch calls the parents up, tells them that she's in labor, have them drive to her(in most cases they are out of state) then she cuts her cell phone off, and the victims never hear from her again. Dateline caught her doing this scheme on another poor couple. It broke my heart to see this. She tried to lie her way out of it, but the dateline reporter, bless her heart, laid into her slimy ass. The lady claimed to be sorry and blamed her schemes on everything from "mental illness to being a victim. The man she claimed to have been victimized was her ex. Found out, she had scammed him too, and the boyfriend before him. She had been scheming a battered shelter when they had done the update. Claimed that her girlfriend was her sister and they were leaving their abusive husbands.
I tell ya, it takes a special kind of person to be that evil. I truly believe that this bitch is going to hell on a scholarship.

I'm out.

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