Jinger With A "J" comes out second week of December at Ocean's Mist Press.
M2ConstantineCorp: What time will you be home?
The instant message flashed across her screen. She eagerly typed her response.
Jingerj: Well hello to you too stranger.
M2ConstantineCorp: Sorry about that. I’m just anxious to see you.
Jingerj: Jonesing for me already? It’s barely been 48 hours
M2ConstantineCorp: yeah, I’m jonseing to see that sexy little body
M2ConstantineCorp: of yours. Tell someone you gotta go home.
M2ConstantineCorp: An emergency has come up. If you make
M2ConstantineCorp: me beg, I’ll make you beg.
Jingerj: I’m a freak, I might like you making me beg…Master.
M2ConstantineCorp: . Hurry home and that’s an order!
Jingerj: I’m on my way home…Master.
I've had fun. Stay tuned.
Jinger W/A"J"