Monday, November 27, 2006

Jinger With A "J" comes out second week of December at Ocean's Mist Press.

M2ConstantineCorp: What time will you be home?
The instant message flashed across her screen. She eagerly typed her response.
Jingerj: Well hello to you too stranger.
M2ConstantineCorp: Sorry about that. I’m just anxious to see you.
Jingerj: Jonesing for me already? It’s barely been 48 hours
M2ConstantineCorp: yeah, I’m jonseing to see that sexy little body
M2ConstantineCorp: of yours. Tell someone you gotta go home.
M2ConstantineCorp: An emergency has come up. If you make
M2ConstantineCorp: me beg, I’ll make you beg.
Jingerj: I’m a freak, I might like you making me beg…Master.
M2ConstantineCorp: . Hurry home and that’s an order!
Jingerj: I’m on my way home…Master.

I've had fun. Stay tuned.

Jinger W/A"J"

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I go out of the country for a few weeks and its Armageddon around here. First, the crocodile Hunter gets killed, by all things...a sting ray! Who and the hell would've thunk it??? Sorry to see ya go there mate. Loved your show.

Then Anna Nicole's son just ups and dies, on the heel of her giving birth to a daughter. Tragic. I'm waiting to see this story unfold. Something is fishy about this.

Damn Ann Richards dies, God bless her soul. She was a woman with whom I found intriguing.

Crazy weather. Wild fires all along the West Coast. Bermuda is getting smacked by hurricanes like they owe them money.

And what the hell? Whitney left Bobby??? Now hell really is freezing over. Did she happen to come down off a purple haze and see the show "Being Bobby Brown?"And realized how bad she looked? Oh well, best of luck to them both.

Now to report. Martin and I are now lovers. It's great! Stay tuned to excerpts to the book, and my release date.

I'm out.
Jinger w/a "J"

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Okay. I know that by doing my blog I've aired some dirty laundry, but nothing has come close to the angry bitches over there at:
This website was developed for the most bitter and cynical of females. Its watching scorned women in all their glory. Very entertaining.

I'm outta here.

Jinger w/a "J"

Monday, August 28, 2006

Have you watched dateline? In tonight's episode, This woman is pulling an adoption scam. This bottomfeeder pretends to be pregnant and solicits unsuspecting individuals to adopt her baby. She then proceeds to take them on a ride to support her and her girlfriend while spending the unsuspecting expectant couple's money.
The trecheary doesn't just stops there, no this evil bitch calls the parents up, tells them that she's in labor, have them drive to her(in most cases they are out of state) then she cuts her cell phone off, and the victims never hear from her again. Dateline caught her doing this scheme on another poor couple. It broke my heart to see this. She tried to lie her way out of it, but the dateline reporter, bless her heart, laid into her slimy ass. The lady claimed to be sorry and blamed her schemes on everything from "mental illness to being a victim. The man she claimed to have been victimized was her ex. Found out, she had scammed him too, and the boyfriend before him. She had been scheming a battered shelter when they had done the update. Claimed that her girlfriend was her sister and they were leaving their abusive husbands.
I tell ya, it takes a special kind of person to be that evil. I truly believe that this bitch is going to hell on a scholarship.

I'm out.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Humiliation is the name of the game today! I'm feeling kinda hyporcritical since my last post. Today I went out and purchased me some fake finger nails. A special that I couldn't pass up. A full set w/ my pedi for one low price!
Anywho. I'm not use to fake nails, and it's weird. First off. My nails hurt. Is that normal? what about that burning sensation when I wash my hands? Do I literally have clap??? A joke. My typing has slowed down considerably and i feel as if the weight of the world is in my hands.
But any ways,
While getting my feet done, this woman takes out a blade. First thing I thought "this bitch is gonna cut me over some hammer time feet! It's not that deep. "
But she did something worst. In front of God, me and everyone in the salon, she raked the dry dead skin off of my feet. I mean it was raining skin! She just looked up at me and smiled. then turned to her coworker and started talking and laughing in Vietnamese. Probably talking about my feet.
After that humiliating ordeal. She started to message and rub my feet. She went up my leg. Freaked me out. But it felt good!!!
But the last bit of humiliation came as she asked me in her best English "Would you like me to wax your eyebrows?" I was done.

My coworker/neighbor/future baby daddy, is gone for a few weeks and I turn to shit! I really need to get it together.

Jinger w/A "J"

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Am I missing something? Is being fake better than being real?
I was at lunch yesterday and saw a former co-worker of mine. I was flabbergasted by her appearance! She, at 30, have resorted to major cosmetic surgery. Botox, in the forehead, collagen in the lips, cheek implants that stuck out so far, I'm sure she couldn't see what was literally right under her nose. A nose now so narrow, she probably can hardly breath. She was golden bronze(Florida sun), but it stood out against her shockingly platinum blond hair.
She had on a tube top that showed her ultra hard breast(she kept jumping up and down in excitement at seeing me. Or she just wanted her melons noticed. I don't know) which were miles apart and constantly on hard. ILK Wanted to ask her to 'please dim your headlights'. But thought better of it. Any who, this walking silicone barbie was with a fine man, who was into her like a key in a lock. (corny I know, but bare w/me) Anyway, ken doll was really into ex coworker. (Are you smelling my hateraide?)
So I'm wondering. What's the appeal? I don't get it? I come from home grown goodies, so I can't fathom manufactured goods.
I wonna hear from ya.

I'm out.
Jinger w/ a "J"

Monday, August 14, 2006

Great news, I gotta raise!!! I knew the new boss was going to be kick ass. Her name is Nina Constantine, she's African American, beautiful, and smart ta boot. She's handling things on the work force. She's even building a day care center at the work place, and an eatery. She really wants us to work really hard all the time, or contrary to popular belief, she actually has a heart!!
The woman is unstoppable.

On the homefront, my ex wanted to "talk" today. He came on to me. As if! I am sooo past that phase of my life and I am moving on to greener and better pastures.

No, Michael and I haven't done anything...yet. He's out of the country unfortunately, but I have my webcam on 24-7 in my bedroom, so although we haven't done anything, this shit is really getting kinky.

That man is fine as hell, with a body that won't quit. But it's his mind that keeps me wanting more. He's smart. I mean he's the: Einstein smart, I can quote Shakespeare and Holmer, while showing you all the moves in the Kama suture,type of man. Hot damn, if he can perform in bed, ladies, we have a winner!!!!;(crossing my fingers, praying, wishing, hoping and begging) that he can deliver sexually.

I am soo head over heals at this point, and I don't want to stop falling.

Jinger w/a "J"

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

My town is hosting it's first annual "Ghetto Awards", and I am in utter disbelief with categories such as: "How many children are adopted by friends and family members during tax season," and "How many baby mommas/daddies, do you have?" and my all time favorite: "How many utilites do you have on; in other people's names?"

This is bananas! Who else is outraged by this?

I want to hear back from you,
I'm out.

Jinger w/a "J"
So things are getting pretty heavy between the neighbor/coworker and myself. We're graduating from flirtation to actual heavy petting. He even let me sample his "goods" and ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!!! When I first touched it, I thought he had one of them mini base ball bats in his pants. It was all him! Damn I am so excited and anxious. Going from "Mini me," to "King Kong" will take some getting use to, (as well as some adjusting) but I'm a trooper. And for all the women at Constantine Inc. I am willing to "take one for the team" hehehe.

Life is good. God is great.

I'm out,
Jinger W/a "J"
I hate to report that sadly the man from Mobile with the boiling hot Crisco poured over him, has died. There is a Federal Manhunt out for his insane wife. Godbless his family.

Jinger W/A "J"

Thursday, August 03, 2006

So some crazy bitch in Mobile, Al decided to boil 2qrts. of hot grease and pour it over her sleeping husband because he asked her for a divorce. He's in the hospital fighting for his life. Lesson learned. I can't let what my ex and former best friend have done to me drive me insane with anger. It hurts, yes, but as rapper Jay Z says, "cry me a river, buid a bridge and walk over it." I was a whole individual before my ex, I plan to leave the relationship the same way. It's anohter day, my chi is stabilized, and being single again is alright! I love being me. And thanks to some psycho bitch in Alabama, I got my sanity back!

I'm out

Jinger w/a "J"

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The emails between myself and my neighbor/coworker are turning out to be extremely hot! I'm working on my divorce, I'm contemplating going hoping over to Cuba for a quickie divorce from dickhead, he's all for it. He and whore bitch(new name for BFF) are planning to get married.
I can't wait to see that Trailer Park Fairy Tale. With the paternity of her unborn child in to question, we'll see if their trashy asses live "Happily Ever After".

Jinger w/a "J"

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Okay, my marriage is coming to an end. I've petitioned for a divorce, dickhead has moved everything out, and has moved in with my former bff. Good riddance to garbage, fuck'em both.

On a lighter note, co worker and I has started emailing each other sexy emails at work. Today day when I told him that I loved to be watched, he told me to plug a camera into my bed room and email him with the webcam so that he can watch me in my bedroom. How kinky is that! Guess what? I'm gonna do it.

Jinger w/ a "J"

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I should have known not to bring a whore around my man, even under the guise of BFF. I knew Jennifer had the morals of an alley cat in heat, but I never thought she'd cross the line and betray me. Oh did I mention: That punk bitch was fucking my husband! I know female golden rule #1, never let a hoe alone w/ your man, but give me a break, she's been my best friend since 7th grade, and although she's notorious for fucking everyone else's man, I never thought she'd fuck mine. that's what I get for being stupid. Jennifer is pregant and doesn't know who's the daddy. It's either my husband's, or a married man w/kids she's been messing w/ or her current ex boyfriend. hell, it could be anybody's baby. When she told me about her and Dickhead, I wanted to kill her! I still do. But they are not worth it. Actually they deserve each other. It's obvious they didn't deserve me in their lives.
That's all.

Jinger w/a "J"

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

I'm back home and dickhead is out of the house. Packed his shit and gone away it seems. Good. I refuse to cry anymore over his lame ass. I would probably be more dishartened if I didn't know that he was garbage. Anyway, in more improtant news, my B/F finally called me, distraught over some other's woman's man. Seems her Night and Shinning armor is staying with his own damsel. I'm happy for the couple but sad for my friend. Actually, I'm not really felling sad for my friend, she was after all, the other woman! And to be honest, the man's woman has my sympathies. I know, she's my friend and I should be more supportive, but right now I can't. She's not there for me while I'm going through this mess with "dickhead", and damn it, she is guilty of hurting an individual in the same predictament as I am in. I'll call her tomorrow and talk with her, she and I have been friends for a long time and I can't just throw that away because of my anger towards some bitch who's screwing "dickhead". BTW, I calle and asked his ex if it was her, she so kindly told me that she and dickhead has been fucking all throughout the relationship, with no intention of getting back together, so she's not the other woman in question.

I hate himmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Today my husband confessed to seeing someone else. Who here is shocked? I'm not, but the shit still hurts. he plans on moving out. Big deal. I asked him who the other woman was, but he just told me it's none of my business; she's going through something and didn't need any added stress. I bet this bitch is pregnant. I should go back
home and finish what I started. After dickwad dropped
his bomb, I kicked
his ass.
Luckily my neighbor stopped me from batting my ex to death. I'm over at
his apartment now.(((sigh))) I'm batting my eyes and licking my lips. Yes, I am a s
hameless hussy.

Jinger w/ a "J"

Saturday, July 08, 2006

So I'm ranting to my BFF, and you know what this crabby bitch tells me: "It's my fault that my husband's cheating." She says that I am overly dramatic, and very unappreciative of what I have.
So I tell BFey that yeah, I should appreciate a man who constantly tells me via his actions that I am here for his convien ce and for no other reason. What a bitch.
But then again, she's going through something and I" need to be more sensitive to her feelings". Her words not mine
Dear Lord forgive me, but Martin Constantine, neighbor and coworker is fine as hell. I am so lustying after him.

Jinger w/a "J"

Friday, July 07, 2006

I know my eyes aren't deceiving me! I just saw one of my fine ass coworker wink at me. Incidently, he's also a neighbor of mine. I'm experience neglect at work, I don't need that kind of temptation! My huband is pissing me off. finding excuses to stay out late. I figure he's messing around on me. Maybe w/ his ex. who knows, I don't even care anymore.

Jinger w/ J

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My name is Jinger, with a "J". I wanted to start this online diary because I feel liberated knowing I have the world looking at a part of me.(I'm a closet exhibitionist) I don't mind exposing myself.
Anyway, my name is Jinger, I'm 25, married w/o children, unless you count my husband's two boys, but I don't since I've been told from day one of our relationship, that they are not my concern. I'm a spectator in that relationship; and although it's painful at times(the boys are complete angels), I refrain from establishing or claiming them in any way.
I work for a major corporation, and I love my job.(No, I'm not suckin' up, I love what I do).

That's it for now,
Jinger w/a "J"