Thursday, May 24, 2007

I've met the rest of Martin's family. Yeah, the Italy crew. And I have to tell you all, even the rich are dysfunctual. To start off the crazies, there's Martin's Uncle Paulo. He is a George Hamilton wanna be. But he has that creepy factor. The kind of guy you know not to leave your minor children with. And he has the slimy factor. You know the kind of person that have you wanting to wash your hands after you shake it?
Oooohhh and then there's his bitch of a wife. Her names slips my mind since I've resorted to calling her: Leather face. This bitch has the nerve to toot her wrinkled, freakled ashy lips up to comment about all of the colored mudding up the Constantine gene pool. Shut up you wrinkled old bat. Instead of minding our business, she needs to keep an eye out on her hubby who seem to like a lot of chocolate in his milk.
Then there was Michael's child bride. Actually she's not a child bride, but when you talk to her, she reminds you of a seventh grader. What was he thinking??? Oh my bad. She is cute, perky, and big breasted. But Michael and her? It's too mismatched. It's like having Daniel Craig(Blond Bond) dating Avril Lavigne. Very odd.
Anyway. Yeah, even the rich has the crazies.

I'm out before I get into anymore trouble. BTW Nina and Adrian had twins. A boy and A girl. They are beautiful. (of course they are the star children)

Jinger With A "J"

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