And He's A Dumb-ass.
Rapper Cam*ron was asked by Anderson Cooper(and I'm paraphrasing) if a child molester lived next door to him, would he snitch to the police this info? Camron stated that he wouldn't. What an idiot! I understand the "no snitching" code, however this moron is taking it to a new level. And we wonder why crimes are harder to solve in the black community. Come on Camron, he can't be that dumb! He'd harbor a child molester? Wow. It's not like someone gets caught and snitches on his posse. No. He's talking about harboring a pedophile. Did I miss something? No, he's missing something--humanity.(Is he a missing link?)
I won't claim to be knowledgeable about what goes on in the inner city urban house hold in Harlem; however, I doubt if morality and good judgement differs from up there then it does down here in the Panhandle. I'm not the morality police, but his mind set is gone. Bless his heart, and his mind. He really needs Jesus and a shrink.
And in other Dumb Ass news, David Banner claims that T.I.'s body guard should have taken the fall for the gun charges, citing the snitching code.
What a mook! Why should anyone take the fall for someone else's stupidity? Stttooooppppp! When will these celebs. get over their sense of entitlement attitude? Taking the fall for his boss's stupidity? What ever dude.
I'm out
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Chester Arthur Stiles, 37 was caught in Las Vegas. Yeah baby! This perverted piece of crap was caught on tape raping a then three year old child. According to the police, the girl wasn't a stranger to these acts against her. The video tape was so heinous, the police had problems viewing it.
Some body's going to hell on a scholarship for what's he's done, but before that, he'll be passed around like the b**ch he is in prison.
Here's the link to the story:
Chester Arthur Stiles, 37 was caught in Las Vegas. Yeah baby! This perverted piece of crap was caught on tape raping a then three year old child. According to the police, the girl wasn't a stranger to these acts against her. The video tape was so heinous, the police had problems viewing it.
Some body's going to hell on a scholarship for what's he's done, but before that, he'll be passed around like the b**ch he is in prison.
Here's the link to the story:
Chester Arthur Stiles,
child molester,
Las Vegas,
Sunday, September 09, 2007
2007's VMA's:
So it's been reported that Tommy Lee got bitch slapped by Kid Rock for instigating. It seems that Tommy's mouth wrote a check that his ass couldn't cash.
But the breaking news of this all, is Britney Spear's performance. OMG! Was it a sluggish train wreck or what? Britney was obviously out of shape, she lipsynch poorly, and her costume was all wrong... she's not 16 and firm anymore. She looks like every woman, which is good, but she doesn't need to be on stage in her too small undies.
So why did the VMA's book her as the opening act anyway? Did they not notice her performance at rehearsals? Were there any rehearsals at all? I doubt it... Or was the lure of having great ratings too tempting to pass up? I know that I wasn't the only one who noticed the bad performance by Britney. Diddy looked pissed, I guess it took him back to the beginning days of "Making The Band"
So it's been reported that Tommy Lee got bitch slapped by Kid Rock for instigating. It seems that Tommy's mouth wrote a check that his ass couldn't cash.
But the breaking news of this all, is Britney Spear's performance. OMG! Was it a sluggish train wreck or what? Britney was obviously out of shape, she lipsynch poorly, and her costume was all wrong... she's not 16 and firm anymore. She looks like every woman, which is good, but she doesn't need to be on stage in her too small undies.
So why did the VMA's book her as the opening act anyway? Did they not notice her performance at rehearsals? Were there any rehearsals at all? I doubt it... Or was the lure of having great ratings too tempting to pass up? I know that I wasn't the only one who noticed the bad performance by Britney. Diddy looked pissed, I guess it took him back to the beginning days of "Making The Band"
Britney Spears,
Kid Rock,
Making The Band,
Tommy Lee,
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Body scent.
It's hell hot on the Gulf Coast, and I'm sitting here in a wife beater, and tiny shorts. I'm sweating like a slave at a clan rally, and I smell something. Not funky, just sour.(searching frantically for the smell) I locate it. It's my damn cleavage! I'm wondering about what has me smelling like spoiled baby milk, and I realize that it was probably the combination of crab, butter and white wine.
I need a shower.
It needs to get cooler.
I'm out
It's hell hot on the Gulf Coast, and I'm sitting here in a wife beater, and tiny shorts. I'm sweating like a slave at a clan rally, and I smell something. Not funky, just sour.(searching frantically for the smell) I locate it. It's my damn cleavage! I'm wondering about what has me smelling like spoiled baby milk, and I realize that it was probably the combination of crab, butter and white wine.
I need a shower.
It needs to get cooler.
I'm out
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
In Fla., a band of thugs raped a woman, then forced her to have sex with her 12 year old son.
And if that wasn't evil enough, these monsters blew chemicles into the boys face.
I hope they fry these bastards when they find them.
In Fla., a band of thugs raped a woman, then forced her to have sex with her 12 year old son.
And if that wasn't evil enough, these monsters blew chemicles into the boys face.
I hope they fry these bastards when they find them.
Friday, June 15, 2007
When authors' go bananas.
I am a fan of Anne Heche, so as I am perusing the Internet tonight, I find my way over to the 'bad influences' blog(my name for Layne Blacque). I was appalled to her ripping a new one into a fan of Anne Heche, who had happened to dislike her comment about the actress. Shame on you Ms. Blacque. I've repeatedly told my handler, I mean creator, to stay away from you. I am afraid to that I'll look up and see her fighting over Judge Milian.
I am a fan of Anne Heche, so as I am perusing the Internet tonight, I find my way over to the 'bad influences' blog(my name for Layne Blacque). I was appalled to her ripping a new one into a fan of Anne Heche, who had happened to dislike her comment about the actress. Shame on you Ms. Blacque. I've repeatedly told my handler, I mean creator, to stay away from you. I am afraid to that I'll look up and see her fighting over Judge Milian.
Friday, May 25, 2007
You'd never guess what happened at work today, so I'll tell you. Adrian had the kid's at work today. Not the newborns, but the older ones. His mother was there too acting as Nanny. Well Leatherface was there too. All hell broke loose when she turned her head and screwed her mouth up to tell Ann(that's the kid's grandmother), "You're lucky they came out looking just like their father. Do you worry they'll get darker?" You could hear Ann cursing Leatherface's drunk ass out for miles. Who knew that Ann could get all gangsta? It was beautiful. Needless to say, like her husband, Leatherface is no longer welcomed at Constantine Inc.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I've met the rest of Martin's family. Yeah, the Italy crew. And I have to tell you all, even the rich are dysfunctual. To start off the crazies, there's Martin's Uncle Paulo. He is a George Hamilton wanna be. But he has that creepy factor. The kind of guy you know not to leave your minor children with. And he has the slimy factor. You know the kind of person that have you wanting to wash your hands after you shake it?
Oooohhh and then there's his bitch of a wife. Her names slips my mind since I've resorted to calling her: Leather face. This bitch has the nerve to toot her wrinkled, freakled ashy lips up to comment about all of the colored mudding up the Constantine gene pool. Shut up you wrinkled old bat. Instead of minding our business, she needs to keep an eye out on her hubby who seem to like a lot of chocolate in his milk.
Then there was Michael's child bride. Actually she's not a child bride, but when you talk to her, she reminds you of a seventh grader. What was he thinking??? Oh my bad. She is cute, perky, and big breasted. But Michael and her? It's too mismatched. It's like having Daniel Craig(Blond Bond) dating Avril Lavigne. Very odd.
Anyway. Yeah, even the rich has the crazies.
I'm out before I get into anymore trouble. BTW Nina and Adrian had twins. A boy and A girl. They are beautiful. (of course they are the star children)
Jinger With A "J"
Oooohhh and then there's his bitch of a wife. Her names slips my mind since I've resorted to calling her: Leather face. This bitch has the nerve to toot her wrinkled, freakled ashy lips up to comment about all of the colored mudding up the Constantine gene pool. Shut up you wrinkled old bat. Instead of minding our business, she needs to keep an eye out on her hubby who seem to like a lot of chocolate in his milk.
Then there was Michael's child bride. Actually she's not a child bride, but when you talk to her, she reminds you of a seventh grader. What was he thinking??? Oh my bad. She is cute, perky, and big breasted. But Michael and her? It's too mismatched. It's like having Daniel Craig(Blond Bond) dating Avril Lavigne. Very odd.
Anyway. Yeah, even the rich has the crazies.
I'm out before I get into anymore trouble. BTW Nina and Adrian had twins. A boy and A girl. They are beautiful. (of course they are the star children)
Jinger With A "J"
Sunday, May 20, 2007
She got her sentence cut for 'good behavior'????
Okay, before I go off, let me recap for a minute. So Paris Hilton was caught driving on a suspended licence for the second time in addition to the original charge of DUI. This socialslut comes to court late and she and her family makes a mockery out of the justice system. Literally. They were making faces at the judge and all. Soo then Paris gets sentenced to 45 days in county jail(big fucking deal), and so she starts her campaign for freedom. She appeals her sentence, pleads her case to Govt. Arnold, have her melt down in her therapist office, ohhh let's not forget the letters she and her cronies made public from 'Big Bertha' stating that she was going to whoop Paris's ass when she got to jail. (rolling my eyes at that one). So in all that, some spineless jerk reduces her sentence by half for 'good behavior'! She hasn't stepped foot in jail yet! I mean, this judge does this based on the fact that this chick shows up to court on time without her and her mother making stupid childish faces. Maybe I'm wrong but aren't you supposed to come to court on time and behave? Well, she gets a reduction in sentencing.(Did I miss something) I bet Bubba and Big Bertha are mad as hell. They've been in there since Moses was little on a 30 for 30 and the jails can't even keep their time sheet right. (ask your friends who's been in jail about what 30 for 30 means) And Paris gets Time Served before she even steps foot in jail. Sheesh!
I'm out
Jinger With A "J"
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
So I'm watching Dr. Phil, and they have this insane man on who stalks his wife. OMG. He should have been my hubby. I'd(and yes I'm from the South so we say "I'd") I'd left his crazy ass a long time ago. Hell, I really wouldn't have had to leave after I introduced his crazy behind to my bat. Lock me in the basement? Ask me to sleep with a friend. Violate me while I'm sleep. Watch me everywhere? It would have blown up like the Godfather in that house with me as Michael Corleone. He would have been "out of the family" for real.
Some men are lucky to have such timid women. But for real, for real, the wife strikes me as a woman who likes drama anyway, so we'll see how this plays out.
btw didn't Jeffery resemble the Master Blaster in that kid video cartoon?

Some men are lucky to have such timid women. But for real, for real, the wife strikes me as a woman who likes drama anyway, so we'll see how this plays out.
btw didn't Jeffery resemble the Master Blaster in that kid video cartoon?

Friday, May 11, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
Wow! Another shooting. This time it's with an employee for NASA.(Or so it's being reported) What are they serving in the tang. First that nut job with the mace and diapers and now some disgruntal soon to be, ex employee.(who goes postal before he's due to get canned? Sheesh, give them a chance to change their minds about you. At least tardiness wasn't an issue) Ohh and employers, how and the hell did he know that he was gonna get canned? That should have been the best kept secret since Who Shot JR? But back to the perp.
For real, are the benefits that great??? If I really had a grand mother, I'm sure she'd say "We're in the last days." But since I don't, this is coming from the words of my creator.
Although the news is gloomy, the world is right with me. Martin and I are doing great! The weather in Florida is perfect, and Sanjaya's ass is off of Idol.
I firmly believe that parents finally put their feet down and made the tweens go to bed before they could vote.(I really don't see any adult over the age of 18 voting for him, unless they were friends, family, and perverts) At anyrate, now the real competition can begin.
I'm out.
Jinger with A "J"
For real, are the benefits that great??? If I really had a grand mother, I'm sure she'd say "We're in the last days." But since I don't, this is coming from the words of my creator.
Although the news is gloomy, the world is right with me. Martin and I are doing great! The weather in Florida is perfect, and Sanjaya's ass is off of Idol.
I firmly believe that parents finally put their feet down and made the tweens go to bed before they could vote.(I really don't see any adult over the age of 18 voting for him, unless they were friends, family, and perverts) At anyrate, now the real competition can begin.
I'm out.
Jinger with A "J"
Monday, April 09, 2007
Hi Everyone.
I'm doing well. Martin is doing great. No, we aren't expecting yet. We're just enjoying ourselves. Finding out about each other's bad habits. For instance, how many times do I have to fall into the toilet bowl before I remember to look before I sit. And ladies, I'm trying hard to break him in. Today I'm leaving a picture with instructions on how to lower the lid after he pees.
Oh, and I'm sure that we're going to be committed for life. We now play the farting game(I usually win) and talk with each other on the toilet with the door ajar. (Maybe gross, but it's love.)
Oh and ladies, he really is fine when he gets up in the morning. And no, morning breath does not disuade us from morning loving. Rather it heats things up. hehehe.
I better go before I disclose all of our business.
I'll keep you all posted.
I'm doing well. Martin is doing great. No, we aren't expecting yet. We're just enjoying ourselves. Finding out about each other's bad habits. For instance, how many times do I have to fall into the toilet bowl before I remember to look before I sit. And ladies, I'm trying hard to break him in. Today I'm leaving a picture with instructions on how to lower the lid after he pees.
Oh, and I'm sure that we're going to be committed for life. We now play the farting game(I usually win) and talk with each other on the toilet with the door ajar. (Maybe gross, but it's love.)
Oh and ladies, he really is fine when he gets up in the morning. And no, morning breath does not disuade us from morning loving. Rather it heats things up. hehehe.
I better go before I disclose all of our business.
I'll keep you all posted.
Imus. Imus. Imus. Shame on you and your crew. Calling the girls of the Rutger's basketball team nappy ho's and jigaboo's. What were you thinking? My bad, you weren't thinking. You were lost in the racist moment, and thinking that no one really listened to your corny show, except for other card toting clan members. You slipped up.
Shame on Imus for saying out loud what lies in his racist heart. These women didn't deserve his angry rant. And I hope that sponsors pull their ads from his radio show.
What if MSNBC yank his sorry program... humm that's saying something.
Shame on Imus for saying out loud what lies in his racist heart. These women didn't deserve his angry rant. And I hope that sponsors pull their ads from his radio show.
What if MSNBC yank his sorry program... humm that's saying something.
Friday, March 16, 2007
I'll continue my blog although my handler, I mean creator, I mean writer, has finished my book. Only available through her yahoo group, what a way to get members (rolling my eyes)I'm popular!!!
I'll keep you posted on what's going on in my life, Constantine Inc., and anything else I deem as important.
At work, everything is smooth sailing. Nina and Adrian has welcomed twins into the Constantine family. A boy and a girl. That makes 4!!!.
Michael and Angelina are doing well. Thank God
Martin and I are doing great. He is so hot.
Angelou has baby momma drama. Yes, he has a baby on the way and got caught w/ another woman! Just like his heartless cheating uncles.
I can't wait to see what L.T. has for his sorry ass.(oops! did I say that?)
Stephanio has not sated his lust for all things chocolate(that's all I'm saying about that)
Ohhh, I saw the ex last week. Meth America y'all. He and Jennifer are back together, and are a hot damned mess. They are both tore up from the floor up! Bless their hearts.
Brandon and Brett are doing well. Groing like weeds. Their mother sent me some pics last week. Don't get it twisted, I still can't stand the bitch, but for the boys sake, we are civil.
That's all I have to say for now.
Stay tuned.
Jinger With A "J"
I'll keep you posted on what's going on in my life, Constantine Inc., and anything else I deem as important.
At work, everything is smooth sailing. Nina and Adrian has welcomed twins into the Constantine family. A boy and a girl. That makes 4!!!.
Michael and Angelina are doing well. Thank God
Martin and I are doing great. He is so hot.
Angelou has baby momma drama. Yes, he has a baby on the way and got caught w/ another woman! Just like his heartless cheating uncles.
I can't wait to see what L.T. has for his sorry ass.(oops! did I say that?)
Stephanio has not sated his lust for all things chocolate(that's all I'm saying about that)
Ohhh, I saw the ex last week. Meth America y'all. He and Jennifer are back together, and are a hot damned mess. They are both tore up from the floor up! Bless their hearts.
Brandon and Brett are doing well. Groing like weeds. Their mother sent me some pics last week. Don't get it twisted, I still can't stand the bitch, but for the boys sake, we are civil.
That's all I have to say for now.
Stay tuned.
Jinger With A "J"
Spinach and Peanuts! My fellow Americans, I have to report to you that the democrats are holding our troops hostage for the Spinach, peanut, and Salmon industries! They are trying to get money budgeted into the homeland securities for these industries. These assholes are holding up plans to bring our troops home to get their agenda passed. God I hate them, and I'm a card totiong democrat(I am embarrassed to admit that now). Our troops are being held hostage for peanuts!!! What, fucking losers!!!
I'm out.
I'm out.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Okay, so my story didn't come out in Dec. Instead, my writer has decided to pull the story from OMP. (I'll keep my mouth closed about that one. hmm) Anyway, for now, she's giving it away as a free read to the readers in her group.Is she fucking crazy! there were offers for my story. Okay, I'm embellishing a bit, there were 3 offers for my story and none of them were Elloras Cave, Samhain, or Loose Id, so L.T. said 'fuck it'.(Get a back bone and a clue L.T. and submit my story to them.) Instead, she's talking with the bad influence, I mean Layne Blacque(what the hell kind of name is that?) and they are 'making plans'. (Lord save me from these crazy bitches.) So see you in L.T.'s Loop.
Q: What took so long to write Jinger With A "J"?
A: The first draft was lost. Over 7k. L.T. was sick. Then as she and I got our mojo back, she tried to fill the story with her "lady of the manor" vocab. I was like "save that shit for Nina. I am not the one. Keep the big words to a minimum."
Q: Is any of this story based on real facts?
A: Probably, but not the author's experience. (She likes to pull from others around her. blah, blah, blah)
Q: Can I get your number?
A: Hell No!
Q: What took so long to write Jinger With A "J"?
A: The first draft was lost. Over 7k. L.T. was sick. Then as she and I got our mojo back, she tried to fill the story with her "lady of the manor" vocab. I was like "save that shit for Nina. I am not the one. Keep the big words to a minimum."
Q: Is any of this story based on real facts?
A: Probably, but not the author's experience. (She likes to pull from others around her. blah, blah, blah)
Q: Can I get your number?
A: Hell No!
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